Makeup removal: Eight sustainable ways to remove makeup

For the 83% of women and 5% of men in the UK wearing makeup, makeup removal is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and preventing breakouts.

After a long day, the convenience of disposable makeup wipes is hard to resist. However, these single-use products have significant environmental drawbacks. They often contain plastic, release harmful chemicals into the soil and water, and endanger wildlife when littered. Disposable wipes are also responsible for a staggering 93% of UK sewage blockages.

Minor changes to your makeup removal routine can help protect the planet and improve your skin’s health. Join us as we explore eight sustainable options for an eco-conscious skincare regime.

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How to reduce water waste in schools

As our population grows and water demand increases, pressure on the planet’s water resources intensifies — especially with the added challenge of climate change. Protecting this invaluable resource is essential for our environment and well-being.

Yet for many British schools, managing water use efficiently presents a dual challenge: safeguarding natural resources while navigating tight budgets.

Join us as we explore actionable strategies that schools can adopt to conserve water, reduce costs, and contribute positively to the planet.

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