How to reduce plastic waste in school

Plastic waste is a growing concern across the globe, and schools are no exception. From lunch packaging to supplies, single-use plastics are difficult to avoid.

However, with careful planning and a commitment to sustainable practices, schools can significantly reduce their plastic waste footprint.

Whether you’re a teacher, school chef, receptionist, parent, or student, find out how to reduce plastic waste in school. Explore our expert strategies and share them with others to take action against waste today.

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10 easy eco-friendly house cleaning hacks

Having a wonderfully clean and freshly fragrant home can do wonders for our mood. If we feel clean in our homes, we feel clean in our minds. It’s, of course, important to keep our environments clean for our physical health, too.

But have the products we use gone too far?

Many cleaning products can cause significant damage to the environment and release harsh chemicals into the air and water. Fortunately, eco-friendly cleaning alternatives offer an effective way to maintain a sparkling home without harming the planet.

Discover our top 10 ways to clean your home and find out which ingredients you should always keep in your cupboards to make your own eco-friendly cleaning products.

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