International Beaver Day: A celebration of our ecosystem engineers

Did you know that beavers play a vital role in creating and maintaining wetlands, providing a home for countless plant and animal species? Next month, we’ll celebrate the sixteenth International Beaver Day. This day is a chance to recognise beavers as ecosystem engineers and see their environmental impact.

Join us as we dive into the significance of International Beaver Day. We’ll explore how to celebrate, why beavers matter, and share fascinating facts about these remarkable mammals.

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World Water Day: A beginner’s guide

Clean drinking water is vital for human survival, yet a staggering 2.2 billion people worldwide don’t have access to it. Meanwhile, 3.5 billion lack safe sanitation, increasing the risk of disease and threatening public health.

World Water Day highlights these issues, celebrates the value of water, and raises awareness about the urgent need for change.

Join us as we explore World Water Day, learn about this year’s theme, and find meaningful ways to support the fight for water equity at home, work, and school.

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What is greenwashing, and why is it a problem?

Climate change is no longer a distant threat — it’s already impacting our world, causing extreme weather events like droughts, heat waves, wildfires, and floods. In response, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of brands’ environmental impact.

However, not all companies play fair. Some use deceptive tactics to appear sustainable when they’re not — an act known as greenwashing.

Join us as we explore the many forms of greenwashing, why it’s so damaging, and, most importantly, how to identify and challenge it. Together, we’ll uncover the truth behind misleading marketing strategies, empowering you to make genuinely sustainable choices.

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Are log burners bad for the environment?

With rising energy prices, householders are seeking cost-effective ways to stay warm. Enter log burners: now heating around 8% of UK homes. Their popularity is partly due to their ability to cut costs by providing targeted warmth. However, their crackling flames, woody aroma, and nostalgic charm make them a sought-after addition to many properties.

Despite their appeal, log burners come with significant environmental concerns. Are their benefits enough to outweigh their impact on air quality and carbon emissions? Join us as we explore the pros and cons of log burners,  examine their environmental impact, and outline greener alternatives.

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10 easy eco-friendly house cleaning hacks

Having a wonderfully clean and freshly fragrant home can do wonders for our mood. If we feel clean in our homes, we feel clean in our minds. It’s, of course, important to keep our environments clean for our physical health, too.

But have the products we use gone too far?

Many cleaning products can cause significant damage to the environment and release harsh chemicals into the air and water. Fortunately, eco-friendly cleaning alternatives offer an effective way to maintain a sparkling home without harming the planet.

Discover our top 10 ways to clean your home and find out which ingredients you should always keep in your cupboards to make your own eco-friendly cleaning products.

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How to buy sustainable swimwear

Consumers are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious, choosing more durable, reusable, and repairable products.

Swimwear presents a unique challenge for sustainability due to its need for stretchiness and water resistance — qualities typically achieved with synthetic fibres. However, there are several steps you can take to ensure your next swimsuit purchase is eco-friendly.

By researching a brand’s eco credentials, carefully considering style and fit, and reading care labels, you can make informed decisions that will benefit you and the environment.

Here are our top tips for sourcing sustainable swimwear and making a splash with a clear conscience.

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A comprehensive guide to woodland burial

As society evolves, so do our perspectives on life’s inevitable conclusion. Mourners and pre-planners have recently expanded their horizons beyond the conventional options of cremation and traditional burial.

This shift reflects a growing awareness of our environmental impact, extending to how we bid farewell to this world.

We’ve previously touched on eco-friendly post-life choices, so join us again as we explore one of those options in detail — woodland burials. With 10% of UK adults expressing a desire for a natural burial, this sustainable alternative resonates with an increasing number of people.

Let’s dig deeper into woodland burials and uncover why they capture the interest of so many environmentally conscious citizens.

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Cat litter: Which is best for your cat and the environment?

With a staggering 11 million domestic cats slinking around UK homes and over a quarter of households claiming ownership, the nation’s love for its whiskered companions is undeniable.

According to the CATS report by Cats Protection, the reasons behind this feline fascination range from companionship to alleviating stress.

However, inviting a pussycat into your home involves regularly shopping for essentials like food and cat litter.

While cat litter might seem a straightforward purchase, cats aren’t known for their laid-back nature and typically have strong opinions on the litter they use. Additionally, the environmental impact of cat litter is somewhat shrouded in mystery.

Join us as we explore each cat litter’s benefits and drawbacks, including their environmental impact. Then, be the cat that got the cream by making informed choices for a more sustainable and cat-friendly world.

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The complete guide to water cremation

Almost 80% of families in the UK choose traditional cremation when a loved one passes away, while the remaining 20% opt for burial.

However, it’s no secret that land for burial is scarce, and the flame cremation process carries a heavy carbon footprint  — each cremation releases approximately 245 kg of carbon into the atmosphere. As a result, annual carbon emissions from cremations in the UK amount to a staggering 115,150 tonnes.

With growing concern, the funeral industry and the general public are keen to find a greener alternative, and water cremation is gaining traction. However, most of the UK’s population remains unfamiliar with it.

Let’s investigate water cremation, its operational process, associated costs, and environmental advantages.

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Agroforestry: The beginner’s guide

Agroforestry has been happening since ancient times and is still widely practised worldwide by over 1.2 billion people on approximately 1 billion hectares of land.

However, this land management method has faced various barriers to widespread adoption in the UK. 72% of the country’s land is farmed, and just 3% is used for agroforestry systems.

Let’s explore agroforestry and how it works before diving into its advantages and drawbacks. Doing so will give us a comprehensive understanding of the practice and its potential for the UK and the environment.

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