You may remember that, back in March, we planned to raise £5k for local charity, Leeds Children’s Charity, by organising the Forge Spring Clean Beard Shave.
The shave was due to take place in May following two months of hair growth; however, the world had other plans, the nation’s barbershops were closed, and… well, you know the rest.
So now, seven months later, we have five extremely hairy guys here at Forge Recycling in urgent need of a shave!
Here is a photo of Chris Hale, Commercial Manager at Forge Recycling, and official hairy beast:

About Leeds Children’s Charity
Leeds Children’s Charity is a wonderful organisation that works hard to brighten children’s lives and create happy childhood memories for kids who have been abused or neglected, as well as those who live in poverty or are young carers.
These happy memories are created through fun-filled week-long respite breaks which feature a variety of indoor and outdoor activities that equip the kids with the social skills they need while enabling them to better cope with their situations at home.
Please support us in our fundraising and help us raise £5,000 for this incredible charity.

You can donate here.