Forge Recycling is delighted to be working in partnership with Leeds Business Improvements District.
Forge Recycling provides a bespoke service tailored to the needs of LeedsBID levy payers, offering a range of waste recycling options at exclusive rates.
To take advantage of this exclusive service, please register your interest below and one of our team will be in touch with more details.
To find out more, please visit www.leedsbid.co.uk.
What LeedsBID have said about us.
Within THIS ISSUE of Branch, the BID informs its levy-payers of the latest opportunities, benefits and exciting news for businesses in Leeds, including details of the excellent service provided by Forge Recycling.
Take a look at this article to find out more about how businesses can take advantage of our service in order to benefit from perks such as exclusive waste management costs and more frequent waste collections.
In order to take advantage of this exclusive service, if your business is not yet already, please register your interest through the form at the bottom of this page and a team member will be in touch with more details.
Forge Recycling customer and LeedsBID levy payer: Belgrave Music Hall & Canteen, Leeds City Centre
The recycling success of Belgrave Music Hall & Canteen is outlined in the above video.
The Belgrave is one of the many customers we are delighted to service within our partnership with the Leeds Business Improvements District.
As a LeedsBID levy payer, Belgrave Music Hall & Canteen benefits from our wide range of recycling options at exclusive rates and, as a result of our 15-minute waste audit, the Belgrave is now recycling 80% of its waste and sending nothing to landfill.
Press play on the video to learn more about the tailor-made recycling solutions Forge Recycling provides, which benefit both the environment and our customers’ finances.
Forge Recycling are excited to be working with Victoria Leeds, a great shopping district and leisure area in central Leeds.
Victoria Leeds are currently making the most of our flexible and reliable 7 Day Service in Leeds City Centre! We are currently servicing their General Waste, Dry Mixed Recycling, Glass Bottles and Card Bales.
They are also enjoying the ease of communication with our local, family-run business, whilst knowing that their collections are Carbon Neutral, through our several Carbon Offsetting schemes.
Pictured below, Forge Sales Rep Dan Stanley, Environmental Services Manager Craig Brady and Forge Key Account Manager Kiera Bourne.
Continued collaboration with Forge delivers benefits for city centre
The resourceful partnership between LeedsBID and Forge Recycling continues to help improve recycling rates of city centre businesses while bringing environmental, economic and operational benefits.
Working in collaboration, LeedsBID and Forge Recycling introduced the only seven-day commercial waste and recycling collection service in Leeds city centre. Four years on, the service is on average saving LeedsBID levy payers 20% as well as dramatically increasing city centre recycling rates.
The service is part of LeedsBID’s commitment and investment in helping businesses and Leeds city centre become greener, more environmentally friendly and cost efficient while enhancing street aesthetics.
Many LeedsBID levy payers have signed up for the service which has the capacity for diverse recycling streams and flexibility collections, with a 97% first time collection rate.
Forge provides a bespoke service for businesses, carrying out an initial waste audit to assess individual needs to collecting general waste, mixed recyclables, cardboard, food waste, glass bottles and confidential shredding.
The success of this continued collaboration is resulting in LeedsBID levy paying businesses recycling 50% of waste on-site, before further segregation sees around 70% of overall waste recycled, with 0% going to landfill.
In addition, over 120 trees have been planted to offset carbon produced by LeedsBID levy payer refuge collections in the city centre during 2021.
Forge has committed to offset all carbon produced from collecting waste through UK and international schemes including tree planting projects in the UK – over 6,000 converting former arable land into a sustainable forest in Thrimby Pasture and close to 900 trees in Scotland – and helping prevent deforestation in 28,000 hectares of pristine rainforest in the western acre state, in Brazil.
Chris Hale, Forge’s Commercial Manager said: “We have had our new waste collection vehicle decorated to relay the message that we are committed to combating climate change. It is capable of collecting both glass and food recycling in separate chambers, which results in less vehicle movements in the LeedsBID area and less carbon produced. We run modern vehicles and operate with the latest technology systems, to ensure collections are made in the most efficient way, again reducing carbon produced and our impact on the environment”.
Businesses interested in finding out more about the local, reliable Forge service can contact Forge Recycling on t: 0345 5050 905 or e: leedsbid@forgerecycling.co.uk